What we do

We offer a range of free supports to families living on the Hibiscus Coast

For families/whānau with children up to the age of 18

Family Navigator

Our qualified social worker is here to offer your family support in whatever area you need it, helping you develop a plan to make things better; this could be around parenting, moving past trauma, setting goals, or connecting you with another helping organisation if our services are not the right fit. This non-judgemental service is very flexible, sessions can be at our offices, in your home or any other place you feel comfortable.
For more information, contact Marni:
021 438 271

Parent Coaching

Our parent coach offers one on one sessions tailored to your parenting needs. Our holistic approach draws from a range of different parenting styles including Triple P (positive parenting) and TBRI® (Trust Based Relational Intervention, which is an attachment based, trauma informed way of meeting your children’s needs) This service is very flexible, sessions can be at our offices, in your home or any other place you feel comfortable.
For more information, contact Debbie:
021 409 907

For families/whānau with pre-school children

Home Support

A short term, in-home service providing an extra pair of hands when families are going through a tough time. Our team of police checked, first aid trained support workers can come into your home 2 hours a week for up to 4 weeks and help with things like childcare, light housework, meal prep and supporting you to attend appointments. Please note that we are providing a support service, not a cleaning service, we can help with things like washing, dishes and vacuuming, but not cleaning bathrooms, ovens, windows etc.
For more information, contact Debbie:
021 409 907

For the whole community (aged 18 and over)

Financial mentor

Our fully qualified mentors offer a confidential, non-judgemental service that is here to support you in all things money related. Support can be in person in our office or over the phone/zoom.  Here are some of the ways our financial mentor can offer support:


We can act as your representative when negotiating debt with your creditors.


We can help you put together a budget, set financial goals, share useful tools and learn the skills to keep them on track.


We can support you to make sure you are getting your full entitlements.

Debt consolidation

There are lots of different options when it comes to dealing with debts. We can talk you through the various options and guide you through the processes so you have the information you need to make the decisions that are right for you.
For more information, contact Stacy:
021 918 194

Community programmes

We deliver two 8-week group programmes; Making sense of your worth and Positive Parenting for Self-Worth. These programmes have been developed by HALO project and are based on the principles of TBRI®. These programs are also available to do one on one with our Family Navigator if the group setting does not work for you.

Making sense of your worth

Self-worth is the foundation of who we are as human beings, as they work through this programme, participants learn why they may not have self-worth (past experiences) where it comes from (attachment) and how to gain strong positive self-worth.

Positive Parenting for Self-Worth

More than just a “how to” parenting course, it’s a holistic approach that gives parents a way forward that “feels right” and builds on the connections they already have with their children. Going from feeling overwhelmed to empowered themselves.
For more information, contact Marni:
021 438 271
  • “Nobody wants to open up that they are failing. But everybody wants to find that one stop special team who just get it.”
  • “Not only knowledgeable, the team were so empathetic. So calming and settling to one's emotions that are running high when stressed.”
  • “Personally, it enabled me to continue my healing journey and reveal even more emotions that needed addressing and it was a vehicle to allow me to process them in a safe space”
  • “The program shined a light on certain behaviours that I adopted as a result of childhood trauma and how I can change them so I can show up as the person I am proud of”
  • “Permission to use my instincts. I feel like me and my daughter are now on the same team. It feels liberating”
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